Lineone - Baton Rouge is listed in the Technology section of the National Web Directory. If you are a Baton Rouge based Technology or providing related services in Baton Rouge you can submit your website for free listing here.
LineOne customizes a fully managed hosted office phones system that will meet all the business needs of today while serving Baton Rouge, as well as all of North America. Business telephone systems have changed immensely from the time when businesses in Baton Rouge had to purchase, own and maintain their onsite PBX phone systems. Your frustrations with telephone companies and all the major pain points as a business owner, office manager or IT manager can be eliminated with LineOne business phone services. LineOne is a fully managed VoIP phone system, and you no longer have to deal with other phone companies like AT&T or COX as your dial tone provider nor your local Baton Rouge business telephone equipment provider. Receive one total telephone bill for all your services. The LineOne team will manage all the telecommunication needs of your business from dial tone to telephone, and your company eliminates the need to own any telephone equipment. LineOne hosted VoIP phone systems allow you to lease or purchase your telephone sets. Because the LineOne phone system is fully managed, any work or customization you need to make to your system is at no extra charge. Unlike other telecommunication providers, we take a comprehensive approach to service that doesn´t end after installation. We offer hands-on training, and technical support is ongoing. You can also find comfort in knowing that if any severe weather hits Baton Rouge, your customer inbound calls will always be answered by the LineOne system. At any time, incoming calls can be rerouted to a satellite office or to cell phones even if the electricity is out at your office in the Baton Rouge area. The LineOne office phone system is geo-redundant with data centers in Dallas, TX, Las Vegas, NV and New Jersey to insure your business calls and phones are always working. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact LineOne at (225) 900-7575.
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 9 PM
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Lineone - Baton Rouge
Lineone - Baton Rouge is listed under Technology in the National Web Directory. Lineone - Baton Rouge is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
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