Construction Companies Glenshaw, Pennsylvania

Construction Companies in Glenshaw, Pennsylvania

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Eas Roofing

Glenshaw, Pennsylvania

EAS Roofing is a family ran and operated business. You will always have someone there through this process to help you. All of our men are certified Shingle Masters and have attended the International Roofing Expo for many years. We offer DRONE photos/videos of your new roof, that often help with the resale of your house. With our Free Estimates to our "Clean work habits" we will be sure to impress you the entire time. Not only do we provide roofing services but we also install Solar Powered attic fans and Skylights. We´re a new aged company with the latest equipment like the Equipter RB4000, which is a roofers buggy that will prevent your landscaping from having debris thrown on them. We have also been recognized as a "Select" Shingle Master" with CertainTeed which means we can offer you the best warranty in the industry "hands down", a 50 year warranty on material and labor. Our company was also recognized on Angie´s List as a Super Service Award for the past 4 years. If you would like to look into what goes into the difference of EAS Roofing and the "other guys" you can always stop down our Show Room in Glenshaw, opened Monday- Friday 9am-4pm

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